※This is a replacement filter, and does not contain the frame/handle. Purchase the full set
Daibo Coffee Shop and Azmaya, a company producing Japanese traditional crafts, tableware, and daily goods, collaborate to put together a beautiful and practical coffee pot and nel filter. For 38 years, many coffee lovers gathered at Daibo Coffee Shop, famous for the master's legendary nel drip technique.
Nel filter allows coffee oil to pass through which is the key to producing a mellow, rich coffee. You will find sufficient body in coffee produced with nel drip, and some praise nel drip as the "ultimate extraction method. "Each nel filter is hand-made with soft nel and wood. Feel the warmth of wooden grip as you take a finely crafted nel filter in hand.
With coffee pot and nel filter produced under collaboration of Daibo Coffee Shop and Azmaya, you're settled with a classic *kissaten* coffee shop of your own. Set coffee grounds inside the nel filter and gently pour hot water over it to experience a moment of peace in your daily life.